Biography: Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat is an internationally known scientist. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering with a minor in Computer Science from The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA. He has received extensive research funding and published To Date (2023) over One Thousand (1,200) refereed technical articles-About half of them are journal articles, over 100 books, and over 70 Book Chapters. He has chaired numerous (Over 185) international conferences and has given numerous (Over 185) keynote speeches worldwide. He has served as ABET/CSAB evaluator and on IEEE CS Fellow Evaluation Committee. He has served as IEEE CS Distinguished Speaker/Lecturer and an ACM Distinguished Lecturer.He is Editor-in-Chief of 3 scholarly journals and an editor of many other international journals. He is the founding Editor-in Chief of Wiley Security and Privacy Journal. Moreover, he is founder or co-founder of 5 IEEE International Conferences.